Wednesday, December 22, 2021

The Harbinger #3 Penciling & Inking


The Harbinger #3 Cover A by Robbi Rodriguez

On this two-page spread in The Harbinger #3, Peter attunes his senses for one very specific frequency. To do this he increases the density of the air around him. It's as if he's turning the air into water. 



One interesting side effect of this is that the stripe of yellow paint Cici sprayed across his jacket seems to lift off and swirl around him. I wonder if this is because it's only been recently applied, and has not yet fully dried?

As he flies above Chicago, surrounded by a pocket of superdense air, penciler and inker Robbi Rodriguez gives us this imagery of water. It's something you'll see more of, later on in the issue.

The Renegade, talking with him psychically, suggests that when he previously attacked Toyo Harada, he wasn't a fish swimming in the sea, but a shark. Robbi subtly (or perhaps not-so-subtly?) reinforces this with the look of Peter's new mask.


When you zoom into this two-page spread, you noticed how much of the background is roughly sketched in. It's more like a suggestion than a statement. Yet, when you pull back, and gaze at the finished piece, Robbi's overview of the city is convincing in every way.

In The Harbinger #3, penciler and inker Robbi Rodriguez works his pencils and pens overtime, to reinforce Peter Stanchek's thoughts and feelings, and the story's ideas and themes.

Dragon Dave

P.S. The Harbinger #3 is available--in comic stores and digitally--today.

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