Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Children's Hour With Bloodshot

"Once upon a time, there was a soldier called Bloodshot.
He had these really small machines in his body.
These teeny, tiny robots were called Nanites, and--

Oh, that's the Nanites in action.
See, they're healing him so he can fight on.
I'm sure it is painful, but that's what makes Bloodshot great.
He fights on despite the pain, and never gives up.

Now, let me see. Where was I?
Oh yes. One day, Bloodshot..."

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Bloodshot and the Bomb

His nanites talk to technology
He treats combat with aplomb
All that should help Bloodshot
Defuse this potent bomb.

Dragon Dave

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Fighter Pilot Bloodshot

What, you think only Colonel Steve Austin and Captain Marvel can fly a fighter jet? Whatever they can do, Bloodshot can do better. Want to see proof? Want to see Bloodshot defending freedom in the skies?

Watch the 1 hour-and-15 minute movie Ninjak Vs. The Valiant Universe on Youtube.

Dragon Dave

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Can Bloodshot Tag Along?

A lot of people have the wrong idea about comics. They think that they can buy them any time, and in any format they please. While they're technically correct about this, publishers can only fund a series so long if it is profitable. So if you wait until issue six or ten to check it out, and the comic shops aren't ordering many copies because you (and your friends) are taking your own sweet time checking the series out, the publisher may have canceled the series by then. The writers and artists will have moved on, and any ongoing storyline they were building will be abandoned.

When that happens, you may have to wait years for the publisher to pull together another series.

Valiant is launching a new Bloodshot series today. I've seen a preview edition (what they call an Ashcan in comics lingo), and I can tell you it's definitely worth checking out. It's crazy fun, it's action packed, and Bloodshot even sings to you in it. (Really!) So head down to your comic shop, or check out a digital copy. I think you'll agree with me that the series holds a great deal of promise.

This new Bloodshot looks like a fun guy. He seems like someone I'd like to have around. So I'm going to let him tag along with me on a monthly basis. I'll share his adventures, and he'll share mine. Personally, I think we'll have a blast together. You could too.

Dragon Dave

Monday, September 9, 2019

Bloodshot On The Rocks

Bloodshot is the Six Million Dollar Man of the Valiant universe. He was created in a laboratory, and his mind programmed with false memories. Intended to be the ultimate soldier, his creators infused his body with Nanites. These microscopic machines can repair any injury, and allow his mind to access anything electronic. 

He's a strong willed man, and eventually he rebelled against his masters. Although the military contractor (a corporation with links to many world governments) has gone to great lengths to control him, Bloodshot has broken his programming, and freed himself from their control. Much of his life since then has a journey to discover who he was, and what type of man he will become. While he pursues this personal journey, other corporations and governments attempt to capture and reprogram him for their own purposes. So he's on the run for his life and liberty, much like a certain Doctor of the Marvel Universe who got overly familiar with gamma radiation.

Like that big green character, well, let's just say that you don't want to make Bloodshot angry. 

So now Bloodshot does what he wants, when he wants, and how he wants, pursuing goals that seem worthy to him, and aiding those in need.

He's got a new series coming up this month, and a movie coming out early next year. With this surge of popularity, he's appearing everywhere: at conventions, on the internet, and even in the very rocks of the Earth. So keep your eyes open. You never know where he might appear next!

Dragon Dave

Friday, April 12, 2019

Looking For Jody Houser

Archer: C'mon, what's wrong?
Faith: It's the last day of the con, and I still haven't seen the writer of my books, Jody Houser.

Archer: Who's this again?
Faith: It's Vita Ayala. She's writing the new Livewire book.
Archer: Livewire? Wasn't she in the Harbinger series too?
Faith: Yeah, like me, she's another breakout character. She's got her own series now.

Archer: Hey, it's Joshua Dysart! He wrote your Harbinger series!
Faith: Yeah, I miss being with him. But a girl's gotta strut her stuff, you know?

Faith: Do you see Jody outside?
Archer: Not a sign. Maybe she's on a panel.

Archer: Babe! We missed the Nintendo Quiz Bowl II!
Faith: Do you even know what that is?
Archer: Ah, it sounds like Martial Arts.
Faith: Trust me, you didn't miss anything. Let's go see the Bloodshot panel. 
Archer: Are you sure that's wise? He's a pretty violent guy.
Faith: I'll risk it. As it's a Valiant panel, we might see Jody Houser.

Archer: Psst. Is that her?
Faith: Yes! Finally, that's Jody Houser!! She's my author!!! 
Archer: I don't understand. What's she doing on the IDW panel?
Faith: She's writing the new Star Trek series for IDW. 
Archer: Oh, I liked that TV series. I'm glad you made me watch it.
Faith: It's not as great as Ninjak Vs. The Valiant Universe, but it's got more episodes.
Archer: You said she had blue streaks in her hair because she was writing your book.
Faith: I guess she's honoring all the unnamed red shirts who will die in her Star Trek stories.
Archer: With those glasses, she looks like a cat.
Faith: Well, cat cosplay covers are popular variants at Valiant. It's her way of signaling that she loves Valiant more than any other comic book company.
Archer: Even though she's not writing your Faith series right now?
Faith: Uh, let's not talk about that. It's too painful.
Archer: Oh. Sorry.

Archer: So what do you think? Was it a successful convention?
Faith: Well, I didn't get to meet Jody Houser, but at least I know she's still writing.
Archer: Maybe she'll write another Faith series after she finishes up Star Trek.
Faith: If her voyage on the USS Enterprise takes her five years, I swear I'll cry.
Archer: You mean like Mr. Spock in "The Naked Time"?
Faith: Oh, you're so awesome.

Friday, April 5, 2019

The Magic of Wondercon

Archer: What's the rush? The convention center won't even be open yet.
Faith: But all the people will be there. I want to see their costumes.
Archer: Are you sure attending another con is wise? Don't you remember what happened last time?
Faith: You mean meeting another villain cosplaying as a giant mouse, who rips off dealers in the exhibit hall, and creates an alternative version of me? The chances of all that happening a second time are incredibly low.
Archer: But it could happen.
Faith: Of course. Anything can happen at a con. We might get drafted onto a panel. We might meet R2-D2 or X-O Manowar. We might even catch a sneak peak of next year's Bloodshot movie starring Vin Diesel. So let's go. Let's see what happens! Let's be part of the entire wondrous, magical experience!
Archer: Baa-leep. Do-ba-beep-do?
Faith: No. I'm sure X-O Manowar would never hurt R2-D2.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Abraham Lincoln Loved To Read

President Lincoln's Punchbowl
White House Visitor Center

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Abraham Lincoln.
He lived in a one-room cabin, and never went to school.
Still, he had a few books, and he loved to read.
So he learned everything he needed to know,
all by himself, to become a lawyer.

In time, people were so impressed by him that 
they elected him a President of the United States.
He risked fracturing our nation for a totally righteous cause.
He's remembered a man of principles, who fought for every citizen's rights,
and as one of the most beloved and respected presidents of all time.

Imagine everything you can accomplish, if you love reading too!
(If you're looking for a fun comic to read, I have a suggestion. Hint! Hint!)

Friday, March 8, 2019

Mini X-O Lost In Sin

Excuse me?
Just because I've got an extra fork, you expect me to share?
No, if I eat it all, I am NOT guilty of gluttony!
Operating this sentient armor burns a lot of calories!
I need all my strength to fight off the next Vine invasion!
Oh very well, have a bite.
But make it a small one!!!