Friday, June 26, 2020

A Valiant Act Of Kindness

Radical life change comes hard. Much we took for granted is gone. Even essentials, like access to nonessential medical care, can be taken away.

Everyone misses the old normal. While we await a vaccine, we can bemoan all we have lost. We can rage against the inequities of our Human--and thus imperfect--society. Or...

An unexpected package from Valiant arrived this week. Inside, I found a Bloodshot Bear. The gift raises my flagging spirits. The thought behind it--a reminder of the givers' concern for my well-being--lends me strength. 

Once more, the folks at Valiant have shown us the way. We can follow their example, spend this time patiently awaiting a vaccine, and invest our time in bringing joy to others. Together, we can get through this, even if we're six feet--or farther--apart.

Dragon Dave

Friday, June 5, 2020

Destination Uncertain

However shall I find
The end I wish to seize?
The winds of change keep blowing
They're gonna make me sneeze!