Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Children's Hour With Bloodshot

"Once upon a time, there was a soldier called Bloodshot.
He had these really small machines in his body.
These teeny, tiny robots were called Nanites, and--

Oh, that's the Nanites in action.
See, they're healing him so he can fight on.
I'm sure it is painful, but that's what makes Bloodshot great.
He fights on despite the pain, and never gives up.

Now, let me see. Where was I?
Oh yes. One day, Bloodshot..."

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Bloodshot and the Bomb

His nanites talk to technology
He treats combat with aplomb
All that should help Bloodshot
Defuse this potent bomb.

Dragon Dave

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Fighter Pilot Bloodshot

What, you think only Colonel Steve Austin and Captain Marvel can fly a fighter jet? Whatever they can do, Bloodshot can do better. Want to see proof? Want to see Bloodshot defending freedom in the skies?

Watch the 1 hour-and-15 minute movie Ninjak Vs. The Valiant Universe on Youtube.

Dragon Dave