Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Robert Venditti on Leadership

Recently, I've been absorbed by the new Manowar #1. Every few days, I return to Dennis Hallum's story, and as I read it again, more things become clear to me. I intend on covering this introductory installment in Valiant's new series soon, but the way Dennis Hallum has packed so much into it, I still need time to contemplate it. In the meantime, I'm taking the time to revisit Robert Venditti's foundational series, as a way to understand the entirety of Aric's journey.

In X-O Manowar Vol 3 Issue 1, the Romans attack Aric's people on Easter 402 AD. He fights with his friends and relatives against forces that are vastly superior to that of the Visigoths in every conceivable way. 

Visigoths charge the ordered ranks of Roman soldiers

The battle against the Romans does not go well, and the Visigoth King Alaric decides discretion is the better part of valor. His nephew Aric is full of the invincibility of youth, and doesn't understand his uncle's tactics. So he ignores his king's order to pull back, and rallies his fellow Visigoths for another attack. 

One of the best military leaders in US history was George Washington. As Commander In Chief of the American colonies, he lost more battles against the better organized and supplied British Empire than he won. Yet, like Aric's uncle King Alaric, Washington knew when to fight, and when to withdraw. 

Most importantly, he never gave in to despair, never gave up his beliefs, and fought on. Eventually, this approach of harrying the British forces--vastly superior to Washington's in every conceivable way--resulted in overall victory for the colonial forces. 

Winning a battle is different from winning a war. That's something King Alaric understands, but Aric has yet to learn.

It's nice to see Aric like this in his youth, before he's discovered the possibility of failure. He's so full of life. He could be a motivational speaker: "If you believe in something, and work hard to make it a reality, then reality will match up to your dreams." 

Persistence. Determination. Dedication to his people. These are some of the qualities we love in Aric. His beliefs aren't wrong. Aric just wants too much, too soon. But then, don't we all? 

Dragon Dave

New to Valiant? Interested in learning more about X-O Manowar? Follow Valiant on Twitter. Search through their posts. You may still find the first four issues of Venditti's series available, free, for download. Seek, and ye may find...  

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