Friday, March 22, 2019

Abraham Lincoln Loved To Read

President Lincoln's Punchbowl
White House Visitor Center

Once upon a time, there was a boy named Abraham Lincoln.
He lived in a one-room cabin, and never went to school.
Still, he had a few books, and he loved to read.
So he learned everything he needed to know,
all by himself, to become a lawyer.

In time, people were so impressed by him that 
they elected him a President of the United States.
He risked fracturing our nation for a totally righteous cause.
He's remembered a man of principles, who fought for every citizen's rights,
and as one of the most beloved and respected presidents of all time.

Imagine everything you can accomplish, if you love reading too!
(If you're looking for a fun comic to read, I have a suggestion. Hint! Hint!)

Friday, March 8, 2019

Mini X-O Lost In Sin

Excuse me?
Just because I've got an extra fork, you expect me to share?
No, if I eat it all, I am NOT guilty of gluttony!
Operating this sentient armor burns a lot of calories!
I need all my strength to fight off the next Vine invasion!
Oh very well, have a bite.
But make it a small one!!!